The Honor Fee System


There are really only 2 major factors keeping people from doing what is necessary to be going to a chiropractor for regular care (at least once a week) - time and money.


Unfortunately, I'm unable to add more time to the day. Believe me, I've tried. So I can't really help you there, except to remind you that I do have morning, afternoon, and evening hours available for you to come. Our open adjusting hours allow you to pop in on the day(s) you choose to come in without needing to make a set appointment (after your first visit). Also, because I have a home office and live here, I don't have a problem seeing people outside my normal hours. So time shouldn't be a factor now.


Cost of care is another factor keeping people from coming in regularly. I am able to do something about that. I have come to determine that a new fee system is necessary to allow you to be here at least 1 time per week.


At Alpha Chiropractic there is a unique and innovative fee system for the payment of services. It's simple... each practice member or family determines their own fee for care and this fee is deposited in a box on the wall located in the reception room.


Is This A Charity?

One definition of charity is "love for mankind." In that sense this practice is a charitable endeavor. I provide chiropractic care because of the love I have for people and because of the desire I have for them to experience the best in life. I want people in our community to be functioning and performing at their best.  I believe that regular weekly chiropractic care, to correct vertebral subluxations that cause nerve interference, should be available to all people to help them to be their best.


On the other hand, another definition of charity is "something given to help the needy." In that regard this is not a charity and what you pay is not a donation. I am providing a service and I expect compensation.


As we are all becoming more health conscious and trying to function as best as possible, we realize that we cannot look to the government and insurance companies for help. We must all take responsibility for ourselves and our family.


This fee system is a privilege which carries with it responsibilities on your part to follow the rules of the system. All rules benefit you.  Each rule is equally important, and is equally required to participate in this fee system. The rules are:


1. Be regular with your adjustments. Be here at least one time per week.*  (You can come more often if you like.)  Through clinical experience and common sense we've learned that everyday stresses that overwhelm the body's ability to resist these stresses cause vertebral subluxations. These stresses will cause most people to become subluxated at least on a weekly basis, sometimes even more frequently.  The scariest part of this is that the majority of the time you are subluxated, you don't feel or know that you are.  *Exceptions will be made for vacations, job, and personal situations/emergencies that do not allow you to make it in regularly. 


If you choose to not come in regularly, you will pay a set adjustment fee.


2. Payment is due each visit, week, or once a month. All patients are expected to pay a fee. Let me know how you choose to pay (per visit, weekly, monthly). If you are unable to pay anything due to unemployment or other circumstances please discuss this with me personally. (If you need a receipt for the services, please pay by check. Keep your cancelled check as proof of payment.) 


3. Tell others about chiropractic and refer them to our office. You are your brother's keeper. What you know, others need to hear. Additionally, this system is a cooperative system that depends upon a sufficient volume of people to succeed.  Anyone that is alive and has a spine may be subluxated. Once you know the Truth about chiropractic it is your responsibility to share it with others.  You may be saving their life.  You will definitely be changing it!  Thus by telling and referring others to the office, you not only help them to express Life more fully, but you ensure the continuation of the system for yourself.


4. Failure to follow the rules of this system will cause the loss of this privilege and you will continue care at a per visit fee. You may be allowed back on to the Honor Fee System once you are regular with care.



How Much Is Fair?
I do not know your financial situation and frankly, it is not my business. Providing chiropractic is the only business in which I wish to be involved. You determine your fee or your family fee based upon your financial situation. I expect that you will give the MOST your budget allows, not one cent more, not one cent less. There is no upper or lower limit to the amount. This is a valuable, life giving serviceIt is priceless. I cannot measure its worth so I establish my fees not on its worth but on your ability to pay. If your financial situation changes for the worse or for the better, I would expect you to adjust your fee accordingly.


Wrapping It All Up:
I have been told that this system is a great contribution to our community. However, the truth is that I am not capable of doing it without your help. I am ultimately dependent upon God to supply my needs and keep me utilizing this system. But I am also dependent upon my practice members to take advantage of this opportunity to come in as often as possible so they can function and perform as best as possible and to tell everyone they know about chiropractic and the importance of regular care.


Please share with me the vision of helping to change, not only your life, but also the lives of people in our community.


And some people ask, "Why an Honor Fee System?"


What else could I offer?

Alpha Chiropractic

3007 Avon Road

Bethlehem, PA 18017

(610) 861-4777


Office Hours:

Mon 10:00 - 2:00 &

         4:00 -7:00PM

Tue 3:00 - 7:00

Wed 9:00 - 12:30

         & 4:00 - 7:00

Thu 3:00 - 7:00

Fri 10:00 - 7:00

Sat 10:00 - 12:00



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