What is Happening Here?:
Why do we need a television commercial for fibromyalgia to inform the public that, "my doctor told me that connected to my muscles are called nerves"?
This is a basic FACT of human anatomy … our nerve system controls, runs, and coordinates every system in the body.
What is going on here? This basic foundation of human physiology that nerves control OUR muscles (and every other body part) should be taught to EVERY child in elementary school. Why do we need television commercials to educate us?
So, let's think about it. If my nerve system controls every system in the body, THEN would it control …
- my hormones - yes
- digestion - yes
- sleeping - yes
- digesting and processing food - yes
- adapting to stress - yes
- my moods - yes
- my lungs - yes
- my heart - yes
- my liver - yes
- my ability to fight off winter colds and flu - yes
- my ability to drive a car - yes
- my muscles - of course.
- athletic ability - unfortunately, haha.
- my eyes, ears - yes
- my blood sugar - yes
- blood pressure - yes
- hand eye coordination - yes
- everyday performance - yes
- vocal cords, so I can talk - yes
- stomach - yes
- etc., etc., . . .
The nerve system is the foundation behind all of the everyday things that we do. From eating and enjoying our food to performing in school or on the job.
Chiropractic was FOUNDED upon the 'tone' or the health of the nerve system, NOT back and neck problems.
"The NERVE system controls, directs, coordinates, and runs every function in the body. The hard bones of the spine protect these nerves. Structure affects function, so, how your spine works and moves and its condition directly effects how your body works and functions on every level. There is a direct correlation between how YOU function and YOUR spine. Chiropractors help your spine function better by taking care of the structures (vertebrae) which protects your nerve system."
What is the point here? Basic anatomy principles should be taught to children beginning in kindergarten. It is so simple. Just knowing these basic FACTS of life create an understanding in people that will guide them in their own health decisions. Children will GROW UP empowered instead of uninformed and will make better health decisions!
--Thank you Dr. Scott Timpanelli for this article.