Chiropractic Care -
No Matter What:
"When I got into chiropractic, I didn't realize I'd be seeing so many "buts"!
Don't let your "buts" get in the way of living your best life."
But I feel fine.
No matter how you feel.
But I eat well.
No matter how well you eat.
But I take vitamins.
No matter what vitamins you take.
But I meditate every day.
No matter how often you meditate.
But I get plenty of rest.
No matter how much rest you get.
But I do lots of exercise.
No matter what exercise you do.
But I’ve been diagnosed with this condition.
No matter what diagnosis you have been given.
But my friend’s uncle’s cousin’s brother’s mom
told me…
No matter what you’ve been told.
But I take this drug.
No matter what drug you are on.
Yeah, but I don’t have insurance.
No matter what your insurance company says.
But I’ve had this treatment.
No matter what treatment you’ve had.
Yeah, but I’m too busy.
No matter how busy you are.
No matter what else we do, if the messages from our brain can’t get to every cell, tissue, and organ in our body clearly and completely. And if our body can’t get those messages back to our brain. Then our body can’t do what it should and we can’t function normally or have the health and life we should.
You see we live our lives through our nerve system. Every heartbeat, every breath, every thought, every hormone that is produced is under the direct control of our nerve system. So, to have greater potential for optimum function we need to have optimum nerve system function.
Chiropractors are the experts in detecting and correcting the most common and important cause of nerve system interference, which is the vertebral subluxation.
Like static on the radio, static in our nerve system interferes with the communication messages up and down our spine and body and takes away from our life experience. All of us want to be living our lives as best we can.
So, who do you know that needs to have their spine checked for vertebral subluxation?