Uphill or Downhill?:
-The only way to coast is by going downhill.
Your body is always changing. Trillions of chemical reactions are occurring and millions of cells are being replaced every second in your body. We all hope that all this activity is done correctly.
There are only two ways that your body can change in any moment...You can function as close to normal as possible, or... you can function abnormally.
Our goal at the end of the day is to have spent more time functioning as normal as possible, rather than functioning abnormally. That requires attention and action on your part. We already know about many things required for your body to work properly need to be done regularly (nutrition, rest, exercise, hygiene, etc.) When done properly and regularly your body has a greater potential to functions better, when neglected your body functions abnormally.
The functioning of your body at any given moment is determined by how properly your nerve system is able to send message to all body parts. A vertebral subluxation disrupts normal nerve system function.
When you create a routine of regularly getting checked and adjusted (when needed) you are making sure your nerve system is better able to do its job so that you can functioning as close to normal as much as possible! Functioning normal helps you and all those who count on you.