Overflowing Glass of Water:
Think of a glass and the water in it as an indicator of how much physical, chemical and emotional stress your body can handle before you subluxate. When it overflows your spine, nerve system, and you are in bad shape.
In the society we live in today stress just keeps adding up: lack of sleep, coffee,
stressful job, deadlines, family issues—the usual stuff. And for many it fills the glass to the brim.
And then something changes. The pollen index shoots through the roof, a new project at
work, someone in the family is sick, and that puts your body over the edge and your capacity to accommodate the additional stress causes the water to overflow.
You have two options. The first option would be to try and eliminate as many stresses as possible. Good luck with that one. While we can choose to leave a stressful job or stressful relationship, sadly many of the stresses we're exposed to we just cannot get rid of no matter how hard we try.
The second option is to make your body function as normal as
possible. In other words, be a bigger glass. By reducing stress to your nerve system caused by subluxations you should be able to better accommodate the stress in your life and have
greater margin of adaptability and survival.
While chiropractic care can’t eliminate all your stress, it can help you to better deal with it so that you can better take care of yourself and those that rely on you.