Being Lost
Imagine being lost while driving in your car.
Rather than stopping for directions or looking at a map, you just drive faster and faster, even if it is in the wrong direction.
Sounds silly, right? Directions or a map are what you need when you are lost.
Lost, would be a kind way to describe the current healthcare system in this country.
For the most part, the focus is placed on drugs and surgery. Now there is a time and place for both. However, most of the health challenges people face are not because their bodies had too many organs or ran out of synthetic chemicals.
We are faced with a major contradiction. The treatment of symptoms and disease without promoting health should not even be called health care. It is symptoms/disease care -- sick care. When you take sick care and apply it to society as health care, you end up with a sick society.
Medicine, cancer, and heart disease, the three leading causes of death in this country, continue to rise at alarming rates. Despite all the knowledge we have accumulated, these three causes tend to result from making poor choices in regard to your health and can be prevented or at least drastically reduced with a little effort and personal responsibility.
Nature is incapable of programming for failure. We know the body is innately endowed with the ability to heal and regulate, and that the nerve system is the master system and controller of that body. Any interference with nerve function is very bad.
That is why along with all the other things done to promote health, you must get your spine checked and adjusted on a regular basis.
You already have the map. Read it and follow your course.