A Safety Pin:
A critical element in understanding the necessity of chiropractic care for every man, woman, and child is explained by a model known as the safety pin cycle. The model illustrates, in a very simple way, the vital communication that occurs in the nerve system. It happens to look like a safety pin, hence the name.
The brain (using the spinal cord and nerves) sends signals to tissue cells via one side, known as the efferent side (brain cell output) and tissue cells communicate back with the brain via another pathway, the afferent side (brain cell input). In this manner, your brain and body are constantly communicating with each other so every body part can do its job as best as possible.
Unfortunately, this communication can be disrupted by a vertebral subluxation, a misaligned spinal bone that disrupts nerve system function. Vertebral subluxations are caused by the body’s inability to adapt to physical, chemical, and emotional stresses that we encounter every day.
The chiropractor’s objective is to locate, analyze, and assist in the correction of vertebral subluxations (restoring normal alignment and function of the spine to allow the proper brain-body communication). This helps to ensure that messages are getting through properly, resulting in a body that functions better. This makes you better able to give your best to people that count on you.