Some of the Many Causes of Mom's Subluxations:

Caring for the children - Watching the grandkids - Middle‑of‑the‑night feedings - Carrying a purse - Working 2 full‑time jobs - Husbands - Giving birth - Those complicated car seats - Sweeping up after the baby eats - Worrying non‑stop - Learning new math - Trying to remember state capitals - All that laundry - Being the taxi driver - Being pregnant - Paying for college - Having to say "no" some­ times - Picking up after the kids - Standing in a cold rain watching your child play soccer - Standing in a cold rain watching your child play T‑ball - Standing in a cold rain watching your child play baseball - Watching your child participate in karate class and tournaments - Wrestling meets - Watching your child play tackle football - Spring cleaning - Moving your son or daughter off to college - Worrying about them while they are there - Nursing a baby - Making beds - Cleaning muddy floors - All those hugs and kisses - Picking up your child - Carrying a child - Wrestling on the floor with the grandkids - Teaching a child to ride a bike - Choosing your battles - Kneeling to pray for your children - Putting groceries away - Gardening - Sleepless night with a sick child - Running errands - Sliding down a slide with your child - Playing hopscotch - Playing piggyback rides
Thank goodness chiropractors exist to be able to take care of moms (and other family members too). 

Alpha Chiropractic

3007 Avon Road

Bethlehem, PA 18017

(610) 861-4777


Office Hours:

Mon 10:00 - 2:00 &

         4:00 -7:00PM

Tue 3:00 - 7:00

Wed 9:00 - 12:30

         & 4:00 - 7:00

Thu 3:00 - 7:00

Fri 10:00 - 7:00

Sat 10:00 - 12:00



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